My Name's Ryan.

I'm a first-generation college student at The
University of California, Berkeley, where I study
computer science and creative writing; I'm
passionate about people, art, & technology.

Learn More


Political Search Engine

This Ruby On Rails web application was built alongside three other Berkeley students and is a fully functional search engine. Powered by Google's Civic API, this app allows users to search for U.S. representatives from any region with a fully interactive map. Additionally, users can share opinions in the form of news articles, and can login via Github or Google.

  • Ruby On Rails
  • JavaScript
  • Google Civic API
  • HAML


    Utilizing Java's object-oriented nature as well as fundamental OOP design-patterns, this piece of software replicates the fundamental features of git, created entirely from scratch. This program enables the user to leverage command line arguments to add, commit, merge, and push (among many others) files in a local system. It is fully comprehensive and can safely and accurately store and track file changes. Image courtesy of Lydia Hallie

    • Java
    • Dropbox Paper

    Political Polarization API

    Designed and researched alongside three fellow Berkeley students, this project was conceived as a means to measure discretely the levels of polarization resulting from various topics in U.S. politics. Our API utilizes natural language processing (NLP) to digest comments obtained by the NYT API, and scores them based on pre-determined heuristics.

    • Python
    • NYT API
    • TexBlob NLP API


      NumC is a matrix multiplication and manipulation module written in C and designed for use in Python. Very similar to the popular library 'Numpy,' NumC is fully importable from Python and allows the programmer to easily create, compute, and transform matrices using the methods provided by C code. Image courtesy of DevForum

      • C
      • Python

        BRSP Web App

        The Berkeley Reentry Student Program (BRSP) is a UC Berkeley org centered around helping non-traditional students re-enter the academic space. The web app requested and built by our team of five engineers allows BRSP students to check-in to the on-campus study space and access crucial program resources. The custom database we designed holds student and admin data, such as ID and email, and has been integrated with GoogleOauth2 for easy login.

        • Ruby On Rails
        • PostgresQL


        I have experience with a variety of tech stacks, derived from my work in internships and courses at UC Berkeley. I've worked extensively with Ruby On Rails; I am well versed in the MVC framework; and I work with React JS (which powers this site!) frequently and extensively.

        • Front-End

          Experience with:
          Ruby On Rails

        • Back-End

          Experience with:
          Ruby On Rails
          AWS Lambda

        • DB Languages

          Experience with:
          AWS RDS

        About Me

        From early childhood I've had an obsession with technology. This spurred my passion for coding in my early years and through my college career.



        Completed Internships


        Years Programming Experience


        Months Onsite Experience


        Completed Academic Units

        "It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission" - Grace Hopper